
Frequent Track Subscriptions
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Frequent Track Subscriptions
Frequent Track Subscriptions

Frequent Track Subscriptions

Desenvolvedor: Osama Naeem
Tamanho do App: 747.5 KB
Data de Lançamento: 2021-05-05
Preço: FREE
28 Avaliações
747.5 KB
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iPhone X
Subscribed to a lot of services online and it becomes just a bit difficult to track subscriptions at time. Or maybe you wanted to subscribe to a service for just one month but then forgot to cancel it?

Frequent is a simple subscription tracking app, which simply lets you add in your subscriptions and then track them. App lets you keep track of days remaining for next subscription, the next payment date and also sends you a notification a day before the renewal day.

You can set different subscription cycle - weekly, monthly and yearly and then leave it to the app to calculate the next payment dates for you.
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Frequent Track Subscriptions 1.0.1 2022-05-05
Bug Fixes.

~Osama Naeem
Mais Informações sobre: Frequent Track Subscriptions
Preço: FREE
Versão: 1.0.1
Compatibilidade: Requires iOS 14 ou posterior
ID do Pacote: com.exploringswift.WhatSubscription
Tamanho: 747.5 KB
Gênero: Finance
Data de Lançamento: 2021-05-05
Última Atualização: 2022-05-05
Classificação Indicativa: 4+
Desenvolvedor: Osama Naeem
Idioma: English -
Todos os Apps e Jogos Desenvolvidos por: Osama Naeem
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