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App Größe: 53,8 MB
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 21. März 2017
Preis: FREE
6 Bewertungen
53,8 MB
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The 112mt mobile app offers an efficient means by which citizens interact and feel a sense of inclusivity in the community while enabling closer collaboration with the departments concerned. The 112mt mobile app provides the facility to request assistance or enables a citizen’s contribution to society. This goal is achieved through the following characteristics:
• Call or SMS (including non verbal assistance using pictograms) the 112 Public Safety Answering Point (devised as a Panic button trigger)
• Localisation service once contact is established with the emergency services
• Reporting instances based on the following categories:
o Crime Reporting complete with photo uploads
o Information
o Reporting Lost items
• Contact details including the location of sites of Police, Fire stations, Army and Health Centres
• News based on the following features:
o Wanted and Missing Persons
o Notices


l-mobile app 112mt toffri mezz effiċjenti li bih iċ-ċittadin ikollu interazzjoni kif ukoll s-sens ta’ inklussività fil-komunità filwaqt li jkunu eqreb lejn l-operazzjonijiet tad-Dipartimenti konċernati. Il-mobile app 112mt tagħti l-faċilita’ liċ-ċittadin li jitlob assistenza kif wkoll mezz biex jikkontribwixxi lejn is-soċjeta. Dan il-għan jintlaħaq bil-karatterisitiċi li ġejjin:
• Sejħa diretta jew SMS (incluż assistenza mhux verbali) lis-servizz ta’ emerġenza 112 (imfassla bħala buttuna ta’ paniku)
• Servizz ta’ lokalizzazzjoni ladarba jiġi stabbilit kuntatt mas-servizzi tal-emerġenza
• Rapporti bbażati fuq il-kategoriji li ġejjin:
o Rapport ta’ Kriminalità bil-possibilita’ ta’ uploads ta’ ritratti
o Informazzjoni
o Notifikazzjoni ta’ Oġġetti mitlufa
• Dettalji u kuntatti ta’ lokazzjoni tas-siti tal-Pulizija, stazzjonijiet tat-tifi tan-Nar, Armata u Ċentri tas-Saħħa
• Aħbarijiet ibbażati fuq il-karatteristiċi li ġejjin:
o Persuni mfittxa mill-Pulizija jew irrapportati nieqsa
o Avvizi
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112mt 1.4 13. Feb. 2020
13. Feb. 2020 Versionsverlauf
Minor Bug Fixes.

~Malta Information Technology Agency
Mehr Informationen über: 112mt
Preis: FREE
Version: 1.4
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 8 oder neuer
Größe: 53,8 MB
Genre: Business
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 21. März 2017
Letztes Update: 13. Feb. 2020
Altersfreigabe: 4+
Entwickler: Malta Information Technology Agency
Sprache: -
Alle Apps & Spiele entwickelt von: Malta Information Technology Agency
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