
Clean and Upkeep
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Clean and Upkeep
Clean and Upkeep

Clean and Upkeep

App Größe: 65,3 MB
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 11. Juni 2015
Preis: FREE
6 Bewertungen
65,3 MB
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This app is another medium for the Citizen to report issues regarding infrastructural maintenance or cleaning of Public areas.  The app gives you the ability to take pictures of the site or item and lets you enter details of location.  If the user wishes to switch the mobile location on, the location is automatically sent with the message. Users can now also track their cases and communicate directly and anonymously with the Cleansing and Maintenance Division.

The Cleansing and Maintenance Division provides various cleansing services to Central Government and Local Councils. The main purpose of the Cleansing and Maintenance Division is to keep urban and non-urban areas free from litter and illegal dumping, thus, enhancing Malta’s environment.
Din l-app hija mod ieħor kif iċ-ċittadin jista’ jirrapporta l-bżonn ta' tindif u manutenzjoni infrastrutturali f’postijiet pubbliċi. L-app tagħtik il-faċilità li tieħu ritratti tas-sit u tħallik iddaħħal dettalji tal-post. Jekk il-klijent jagħżel li jixgħel il-location fuq il-mowbajl, il-dettalji tal-post jintbagħtu awtomatikament mal-messaġġ. Il-klijenti issa jistgħu ukoll jżommu għajnejhom fuq il-progress tal-każijiet tagħhom u jikkomunikaw direttament b' mod anonimu mad- Diviżjoni għat-Tindif u Manutenzjoni.
Id-Diviżjoni għat-Tindif u Manutenzjoni jipprovdi servizzi varji ta’ tindif u manutenzjoni lill-Gvern ċentrali u lill-Kunsilli Lokali. L-għan ewlieni tad- Diviżjoni għat-Tindif u Manutenzjoni hu li jżomm żoni urbani u dawk mhux urbani ħielsa minn ħmieġ u rimi illegali, u b'hekk jittejjeb l-ambjent Malti.
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Clean and Upkeep 6.2 27. Apr. 2023
27. Apr. 2023 Versionsverlauf
Colour contrast fixes, alternate text issues fixes and correct hyperlinks.

~Malta Information Technology Agency
Mehr Informationen über: Clean and Upkeep
Preis: FREE
Version: 6.2
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 12 oder neuer
Bündel-ID: com.darttek.GarbyAndTidy
Größe: 65,3 MB
Genre: Lifestyle
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 11. Juni 2015
Letztes Update: 27. Apr. 2023
Altersfreigabe: 4+
Entwickler: Malta Information Technology Agency
Sprache: Englisch - Maltesisch -
Alle Apps & Spiele entwickelt von: Malta Information Technology Agency
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