
Find Child Care Sittercity
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Find Child Care Sittercity
Find Child Care Sittercity

Find Child Care Sittercity

Local Babysitters and Nannies

المطور: Sittercity
حجم التطبيق: 38.40 MB
تاريخ الإصدار: 2014-08-23
السعر: Free
48,844 التقييمات
38.40 MB
تنزيل من متجر التطبيقات

لقطات الشاشة للتطبيق

Sittercity connects millions of families with caregivers. Sign up for free on our app, or on, and get the tools you need to find the right local babysitters or nannies for your family with confidence.

You must be 18 or older to use the Sittercity platform.

Begin to build your team with us by connecting with experienced child care providers who can help you with needs like after-school, date nights, full or part-time care, regular schedules, and more.

[+] Post a job for free detailing your child care, school help, or even tutoring needs
[+] Get instant notifications when babysitters or nannies apply
[+] Filter your search results based on criteria like experience and skills
[+] View detailed sitter profiles with photos, availability, background checks, references, and parent reviews
[+] Book an interview with your favorite sitters

[+] Get regular notifications about new jobs in your area
[+] Create a professional profile to showcase your skills and experience
[+] Apply to jobs and message parents right from your phone
[+] Filter your search to see job opportunities that fit your schedule
[+] Meet new families when they request to interview you

Already a Sittercity member? Welcome back! Simply log in to access your account.

Please note this nanny and babysitting app is focused on finding child care or finding a babysitting or nanny job as a child care provider. Visit to find pet care and other care types such as senior care and special needs care.

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أظهر المزيد
Find Child Care Sittercity 6.2.1 2023-10-03
Sitters can now request a review from parents they have worked with in the past. To request a review, sitters can navigate to their profile tab and select "request review" and follow the process there. Only sitters who have had conversations with parents are eligible to request a review. Includes bug fixes.

المزيد من المعلومات حول: Find Child Care Sittercity
السعر: Free
الإصدار: 6.2.1
التوافق: 15.0 أو أحدث
الحجم: 38.40 MB
النوع: Lifestyle
تاريخ الإصدار: 2014-08-23
آخر تحديث: 2023-10-03
تقييم المحتوى: 4+
المطور: Sittercity
اللغة: EN -
جميع التطبيقات والألعاب المطورة بواسطة: Sittercity
أحدث الإصدارات
