
Numbers TIP. Numbers to letters.
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Numbers TIP. Numbers to letters.
Numbers TIP. Numbers to letters.

Numbers TIP. Numbers to letters.

It converts a number to letters a number to text and Roman numbers.

Rozmiar aplikacji: 2.3M
Data wydania: May 31, 2018
Cena: $0.99
6 Oceny
Google Play

Numbers TIP performs the conversion of a number to its cardinal, ordinal, fractional or partitive, multiplicative, Roman ... text, and offers morphological, orthographic and grammatical information of each of the terms. In addition, examples that help understanding and good use are included. The contexts implemented are:

The conversion is done through the Internet because it uses an extensive base of linguistic knowledge necessary to give a detailed and wide response to the conversion, with examples of use, notes, references, ... and adjusting the response to the rules of the Royal Academy Spanish.

The range of cardinal numbers admitted by TIP Numbers is: ±999 999 x 10120. In text it would be from menos novecientos noventa y nueve mil novecientos noventa y nueve vigintillones to novecientos noventa y nueve mil novecientos noventa y nueve vigintillones.

The range of ordinal numbers admitted by TIP Numbers is: 1 ... 999 999 x 10120. In text it would be from primero to novecientos noventa y nueve mil novecientos noventa y nuevevigintillonésimo.

The range of fractional numbers admitted by TIP Numbers is: 2 ... 999 999 x 10120. In text it would be from mitad to novecientosnoventainuevemilnovecientosnoventainuevevigintillonésimo.

The range of fractions supported by TIP Numbers is: ±999 999 x 10120 / ±999 999 x 10120.

The range of multiplicative numbers admitted by TIP Numbers is: 2 ... 999 999 x 10120, although from thirteen it is written with an expression. In text it would be from doble to novecientos noventa y nueve mil novecientos noventa y nueve vigintillones de veces.

In case of entering an incorrect Roman number, TIP Numbers will correct the error offering the appropriate numbering. The range of Roman numerals admitted by TIP Numbers is: 1 ... 3 999 999 999 999.

The range of collective numbers of set admitted by TIP Numbers is: 2 ... 20 and the tens to 100. In text it would be from par or pareja to centena.

The range of numbers of syllables admitted by TIP Numbers is: 1 ... 19. In text it would be from monosílabo to eneadecasílabo.

Polygon names: A polygon is a flat figure limited by several straight lines. The range of the number of sides to define a polygon is: 3 ... 999 999 x 10120, although from 15, except multiples of ten and a hundred, it is written with an expression. In text it would be from triángulo to polígono de novecientos noventa y nueve mil novecientos noventa y nueve vigintillones de lados.

The range of the number of faces to define a polyhedron is: 4 ... 999 999 x 10120, although from 15 it is written with an expression. In text it would be from tetrágono to poliedro de novecientos noventa y nueve mil novecientos noventa y nueve vigintillones de caras.

The range for ages admitted by TIP Numbers is: 2 ... 100 and then 1000. In text it would be from dosañero or dosañal to milenario.

The range for the born admitted by TIP Numbers is: 2 ... 10. In text it would be from mellizo or gemelo to decallizo.

Números TIP has been developed from the following normative and descriptive sources:

.- OLE-RAE-2010. Ortografía de la lengua española, edición revisada por las Academias de la Lengua Española y publicada por la Real Academia Española (2010).

.- NGLE-RAE-2009. Nueva gramática de la lengua española. Espasa Calpe (2009)

.- DPD-RAE-2005. Diccionario panhispánico de dudas de la Real Academia Española - 1ª edición (2005)

.-DOLE-1996. Diccionario de ortografía de la lengua española. Thomson Paraninfo (1996).
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Więcej informacji o: Numbers TIP. Numbers to letters.
Cena: $0.99
Wersja: 1.2
Rozmiar: 2.3M
Data wydania: May 31, 2018
Ocena treści: Everyone
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