-Convert from many commonly used video formats to video files playable
-Convert to mp4, h.264, avi, mpg, flv, wmv, mov, mkv, from most commonly used video formats
-reduce video file size to send out through SMS etc (reduce size and min size profile, premium only)
-convert video while keep original video quality (keep quality profile, premium only)
-manual mode to specify video bitrate, arbitrary resolution, audio bitrate, codec etc.
-extract audio from videos, convert mp4 to mp3 or other video formats to mp2, wav/pcm, mp3, aac, wma, flac, ogg (audio only profile)
-remove audio from videos (video only profile)
-convert audio files to mp4/m4a/aac, mp3, mp2, pcm/wav, flac, ogg (vorbis) etc (audio only profile)
-convert animated gif to video
-organize your video and audio files
For input files, it currently supports asf, avi, divx, flv, m2v, m4v, mjpeg, mkv, mov, mpg, ogg, ogv, rm, rmvb, webm, wmv, dv4, gif etc.
For output files, it supports avi, vob, mpg, flv, wmv, mov, mkv, asf, m2ts, ts and webm for video, and m4a, mp4, mp3, wav, wma, mka, asf, flac, and ogg for audio.