Cool File Viewerを使用すると、お使いのパソコンで任意のファイルを閲覧することができます。どのアプリケーションを使ってファイルを開くかを最初に決めずに、プログラムウィンドウから任意のファイルを選択するだけです。Cool File Viewerでは一般的な音声フォーマットや動画フォーマットの多くをサポートしており、画像やウェブ、Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Pagesといったレイアウトのファイル形式の多くを表示できます。
Over 450+ Supported File Types:
Text Documents
- Microsoft Word Document (.doc, .docx)
- OpenDocument formats (.odt, .ott, .oth and .odm )
- Open Office formats (.sxw, .stw and .sxg)
- Microsoft Word 6.0/95/97/2000/XP/Mac) (.doc and .dot)
- Microsoft Word 2003 XML (.xml)
- Microsoft Word 2007/2010 XML (.docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm)
- Microsoft WinWord 5 (.doc)
- WordPerfect Document (.wpd)
- Microsoft Works (.wps)
- Lotus WordPro (.lwp)
- Abiword Document (.abw, .zabw)
- ClarisWorks/Appleworks Document (.cwk)
- MacWrite Document (.mw, .mcw)
- StarWriter/ Star Writer formats (.sdw, .sgl, .vor)
- Unified Office Format text (.uot, .uof)
- Ichitaro 8/9/10/11 (.jtd and .jtt)
- Hangul WP 97 (.hwp)
- eBook (.pdb)
- Apple Pages 4 (.pages)
- HTML Document (.htm, .html)
- Rich Text Format File (.rtf)
- Plain Text File (.txt)
- XML File (.xml)
- Text CSV (.csv)
- Json File (.json)
- Portable Document Format File (.pdf)
- OpenDocument formats (.ods, .ots, .fods, .sxc and .stc)
- Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP (.xls, .xlw, and .xlt)
- Microsoft Excel 4.x - 5.0/95 (.xls, .xlw, and .xlt)
- Microsoft Excel 2003 XML (.xml)
- Microsoft Excel 2007/2013 XML (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlts, .xltm)
- Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 binary (.xlsb)
- Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk1, .wks, and .123)
- Data Interchange Format (.dif)
- Rich Text Format (.rtf)
- Text CSV (.csv and .txt)
- StarCalc formats (.sdc and .vor)
- dBASE (.dbf)
- SYLK (.slk)
- Unified Office Format spreadsheet (.uos, .uof)
- HTML Document (.htm and .html files, including Web page queries)
- Quattro Pro 6.0 (.wb2)
- Apple Numbers 2 (.numbers)
- OpenDocument formats (.odp, .odg, .otp, .fopd, .sxi and .sti)
- Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP (.ppt and .pot)
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 (.pptx, .pptm, .potx, .potm)
- StarDraw and StarImpress (.sda, .sdd, .sdp, and .vor)
- Unified Office Format presentation (.uop, .uof)
- CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile (.cgm)
- Portable Document Format (.pdf)
- Apple Keynote 5 (.key)
Web Files
- HTML File (.htm, .html, .xhtml)
- MHTML Web Archive (.mht, .mhtml)
Image Files
- Bitmap Image (.bmp)
- BW Image (.bw)
- Graphical Interchange Format File (.gif)
- Icon File (.ico)
- JPEG Image (.jpg, .jpeg)
- Portable Network Graphic (.png)
- Tagged Image File (.tif, .tiff)
- Others (.PCX, .SGV, .WMF, .MET, .PGM, .RAS , .SVM, .XBM, .EMF, .PBM, .PLT, .SDA, .TGA, .XPM, .EPS, .PCD, .SDD, .GIF, .PCT, .PPM, .SGF, .VOR)
- Adobe Photoshop (*.psd)
- AutoCAD Interchange Format (*.dxf)
- Corel Draw (*.cdr)
- Corel Presentation Exchange (*.cmx)
- Microsoft Publisher 98-2010 (*.pub)
- Microsoft Visio 2000-2013 (*.vdx; *.vsd; *.vsdm; *.vsdx)
- WordPerfect Graphics (*.wpg)
Formula files
- OpenDocument Formula (.odf and .sxm)
- StarMath (.smf)
- MathML (.mml)
Audio Files
- Advanced Audio Coding File (.aac)
- Free Lossless Audio Codec File (.flac)
- MPEG-4 Audio File (.m4a)
- MPEG-2 Audio File (.mp2)
- MP3 Audio File (.mp3)
- Ogg Vorbis Audio File (.ogg, .oga)
- Real Audio File (.ra)
- WAVE Audio File (.wav)
- Windows Media Audio File (.wma)
- PlayStation Audio File (.xa)
- 3GP Audio (.3ga, .3gpa)
- Audio Codec 3 (.ac3)
- Audio Interchange File Format (.aif, .aiff)
- Compressed Audio Interchange (.aifc)
- Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec (.amr )
- Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio (.ape)
- Audio File (.au)
- Core Audio.caf( .caff)
- DTS Encoded Audio (.dts)
- Global System for Mobile Audio (.gsm)
- MPEG-4 Audio Book (.m4b)
- iPhone Ringtone (.m4r)
- Matroska Audio (.mka)
- Meridian Lossless Packing Audio (.mlp)
- Musepack Compressed Audio (.mpc)
- Sony OpenMG Music (.oma)
- Opus Audio (.opus)
- PureVoice Audio (.qcp)
- Sound File (.snd)
- Ogg Vorbis Speex (.spx)
- True Audio (.tta)
- Creative Labs Audio (.voc)
- TwinVQ Audio (.vqf)
Video Files
- 3GPP2 Multimedia (.3g2)
- 3GPP Multimedia (.3gp)
- Anime Music Video (.amv)
- Advanced Systems Format (.asf)
- Audio Video Interleave (.avi)
- Bink Video (.bik)
- VCD Video (.dat)
- DivX Video (.divx)
- Digital Video (.dv)
- Flash MP4 Video (.f4v)
- Flash Video_.flv_
- General Exchange Format Video_.gxf_
- High Efficiency Video Coding_.hevc_
- Blu-ray BDAV Video(.m2t, .m2ts)
- MPEG-2 Video (.m2v)
- iTunes Video (.m4v)
- Matroska Video (.mkv)
- JVC Everio Video Recording (.mod)
- Apple QuickTime Movie_.mov_
- MPEG-4 Video(.mp4)
- MPEG Movie (.mpg, .mpeg)
- AVCHD Video (.mts)
- Material Exchange Format (.mxf)
- Nullsoft Streaming Video (.nsv)
- NuppelVideo (.nuv)
- Ogg Media (.ogm)
- Ogg Video (.ogv)
- Real Media (.rm)
- RealMedia Variable Bit Rate (.rmvb)
- Wii/GameCube Video (.thp)
- Beyond TV Transport Stream (.tp)
- Video Transport Stream (.ts)
- DVD Video Object (.vob)
- WebM Video (.webm)
- Windows Media Video (.wmv)
- Windows Recorded TV Show (.wtv)
- Microsoft Expression Screen Capture Video (.xesc)
- 7-Zip Compressed File (.7z)
- Android Package (.apk)
- ARJ Compressed Archive (.arj)
- Bzip2 Compressed Archive (.bz2, .bzip2)
- Windows Cabinet File (.cab)
- Comic Book RAR Archive (.cbr)
- Comic Book Zip Archive (.cbz)
- Compiled HTML Help File (.chm)
- Unix CPIO Archive (.cpio)
- Disk Doubler Archive (.dd)
- Debian Software Package (.deb)
- Windows Desktop Theme Pack (.deskthemepack)
- Mac OS X Disk Image (.dmg)
- Gzip Archive (.gz, .gzip)
- HFS Disk Image (.hfs)
- ISO Disc Image (.iso)
- Java Archive (.jar)
- LHARC Compressed File (.lha)
- LZH Compressed File (.lzh)
- LZMA Compressed File .lzma
- RAR Compressed Archive (including RAR5) (.rar)
- Red Hat Package Manager File (.rpm)
- TAR Archive (.tar)
- Bzip2 Compressed Tar Archive (.tar, .bz2, .tbz, .tbz2)
- Gzipped Tar File (.tar, .gz, .tgz)
- LZMA Compressed Tar Archive (.tar, .lzma)
- XZ Compressed Tar File (.tar, .xz, .txz)
- Z Compressed Tar File (.tar, .z, .taz)
- Virtual Hard Disk File (.vhd)
- Java Web Archive (.war)
- Windows Imaging Format File (.wim)
- Extensible Archive Format File (.xar)
- XZ Compressed Archive (.xz)
- Unix Compressed File (.z)
- Zipped File (.zip)
- Extended Zip File (.zipx)
Source Code Files
- ".a2l",".adb",".ads",".ahk",".apache",".apacheconf",".as",".asm",".asp",".aspx",".atom",".au3",".bas",".bash",".bpk",".bpr",".c",".c++",".cbl",".cc",".cfg",".cfm",".cgi",".clp",".cmake",".cmd",".coffee",".coffeescript",".conf",".config",".console",".cpp",".cs",".csh",".csharp",".cson",".css",".cxx",".dfm",".diff",".dpk",".dpr",".eba",".erl",".ex",".exw",".f",".f2k",".f90",".f95",".for",".gemspec",".gyp",".h",".h++",".haml",".hpp",".hs",".http",".https",".iced",".inc",".inf",".ini",".irb",".iss",".iwb",".j",".jav",".java",".javascript",".js",".json",".jsp",".jsx",".kix",".kx",".lhs",".log",".lua",".mak",".makefile",".markdown",".md",".mk",".mkd",".mkdown",".ml",".mm",".nginx",".nginxconf",".nsh",".nsi",".nsl",".ob2",".objc",".obj-c",".objectivec",".pas",".patch",".perl",".php",".php2",".php3",".php4",".php5",".php6",".pl",".plist",".pm",".pod",".podspec",".prg",".ps1",".py",".python",".r",".rb",".rbw",".rc",".rss",".ruby",".sas",".scm",".sh",".shell",".sql",".ss",".st",".sty",".tcl",".tex",".thor",".v",".vb",".vhd",".vhdl",".xhtml",".xjb",".xml",".xsd",".xsl",".xslt",".yaml",".yml",".zsh"