TanSaburo can search Word,Excel,PDF,HTML and etc. file contents as full text search. (Desktop Search)
- TanSaburo can search the following file contents.
+ WORD (.docx, .docm, .doc)
+ EXCEL (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xls)
+ PowerPoint (.pptx, .pptm, .ppt)
+ PDF (.pdf)
+ HTML (.html, .htm)
+ TEXT (.txt)
Other file type are search content as text type.
- TanSaburou can search FAST because using index system.
- TanSaburou can set auto index update as the following.
+ auto update at startup + x minutes
+ auto update at xx:yy every day
+ manual update
- TanSaburou Software is provided from Japan.
- TanSaburou can search multi languages (English, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, etc) because using UTF-8 base.
- TanSaburou can AND search separated by space. (example: "update word" => "update" AND "word")
- TanSaburou can OR search enclosed by (). (example: "(update word)" => "update" OR "word"))
- "Tan" means Search,and write as "探" in Japanses. "Saburou" is populer name in Japan, means third son.