
First Words Spanish
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First Words Spanish
First Words Spanish

First Words Spanish

Pengembang: Learning Touch LLC
Ukuran Aplikasi: 32,4 MB
Tanggal Rilis: 30 Jul 2010
Harga: Rp 49ribu
6 Peringkat
32,4 MB
Unduh di App Store

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About: First Words Spanish

The best-selling reading game for kids is now available in Spanish!

First Words Spanish provides endless fun for the toddlers in your life, all while giving your child a head start on learning their letters, creating words, and gaining exposure to the Spanish language.

First Words Spanish is toddler-tested and approved, with a user-interface designed specifically for the littlest of fingers. The game includes 114 toddler-friendly words, including:

== 39 animals
== 21 vehicles
== 13 colors
== 21 shapes
== 24 words from around the house

A wide range of options let you tune the game to match your child's current skills and abilities.

Kids can play this game by themselves, but they also enjoy bringing their adults along, talking about the animals and letters, seeing them spin and make their animal noises, and learning how to say the words in Spanish.

If your child is old enough to ask for your phone, they're old enough for First Words Spanish!
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