
Smoke Free Forever
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Smoke Free Forever
Smoke Free Forever

Smoke Free Forever

Entwickler: Dennis Schmidt
App Größe: 6,1 MB
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 24. Mai 2021
Preis: 0,99 €
6 Bewertungen
6,1 MB
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iPhone X
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About: Smoke Free Forever

Smoke Free Forever wants to help you quit smoking for good!

It did help the author of this app for sure! The idea is simple: Once you've decided "OK, this just was my last cigarette!", you enter the current date. Add to that an estimate of how much you smoke daily.

The app will calculate how much you have *not* smoked since you quit, showing you the amazing amount of money you've been saving since and the disgustingly large amount of unhealthy cigarettes you've not been smoking since as a motivation to continue.

The Apple Watch complications and the iPhone widgets help you with a quick glance to get reminded to how well you're doing, by showing you your progress at a glance.

And if you ever need a quick help to fight an upcoming urge, use the complication or the widget showing you interesting "fun facts" that you can text your friends about to forget about the urge within minutes.

You'll also learn a few really silly fun facts along the way :)
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Alle Apps & Spiele entwickelt von: Dennis Schmidt
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