saniRad prenota facile
Book online medical visits and diagnostic tests saniRad Ud
Book online medical visits and diagnostic tests saniRad Ud
* Book quickly your medical services at saniRad.
* Avoid the wait at the Call Center of the structure.
Select the service or professional you prefer.
Select the day and time.
* The price of the service is always clearly expressed. You can search in offering a discounted price, performance (low cost).
* A handy reminder service will confirm the reservation and receive a reminder that reminds you of the appointment.
* Consult with the knowledge and information critical to the performance that you are booking.
* The application allows you to book for yourself or a family member.
* Consult quickly any appointment slot
* Cancel reservations that you no longer need.
* Express your satisfaction with the service received.
The service is completely free!