
الصلاة وما يتعلق فيها
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الصلاة وما يتعلق فيها
الصلاة وما يتعلق فيها

الصلاة وما يتعلق فيها

The prayer application is an application that deals with all matters of prayer that the individual must learn

Developer: XR___0300
App Size: Varies With Device
Release Date: May 29, 2024
Price: Free
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About: الصلاة وما يتعلق فيها

The word prayer comes with several meanings. Among them is supplication, as in the noble hadith: (When one of you is supplicated, let him respond, and if he is fasting, let him pray), meaning: to pray for them. But if the word prayer is associated with God - Glory be to Him - or the angels, then it means mercy from God - Glory be to Him - and seeking forgiveness from the angels, as in His saying - the Most High -: (It is He who sends blessings upon you and His angels) and it also comes in the sense of praise and praise. In terminology Prayer is defined as: specific words and actions, which begin with the takbir, and conclude with the salutation.
The status of prayer in Islam Prayer is considered the most important and important obligation and obligation in Islam after the Shahada, and one of the five pillars of Islam. The Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: (Islam is built on five things: bearing witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, establishing prayer, paying zakat, Hajj, and fasting Ramadan). Prayer in Islam is considered one of the most important acts of worship at all, and it has a distinctive status that is almost unique to it from other acts of worship. It is the pillar of religion and its foundation, which cannot exist without it. In the noble hadith, the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - says: (The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is prayer, and the top of its top is jihad), and it is the first of the acts of worship that God - Glory be to Him - has imposed on His servants, and the first for which the servant will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection. As the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: (The first thing a servant will be held accountable for on the Day of Resurrection regarding his work is his prayer. If it is sound, then he will succeed and prosper, and if it is corrupt, then he will be disappointed and lose.) Prayer urges the abandonment and denial, and in this link between the performance of prayer and the distance from the deniers there is a clear evidence of its importance and the extent of its impact on the faith of the Muslim and his work, where God Almighty says: (And establish the prayer, the prayer is the one who is forbidden) R and the Messenger -May God bless him and grant him peace-, and the last thing that is lost from religion; If it is lost, the entire religion is lost. If this indicates anything, it indicates the great status of prayer in Islam.
Prayer has been imposed for many reasons and great benefits, and some of them will be mentioned below: Prayer represents the servant’s connection with his Lord, as it is the means by which the servant communicates with his Lord to complain to Him of his concerns and concerns, and to converse with his Lord - Glory be to Him, the Most High - so that his chest is cleared and his heart is reassured. Prayer is a light with which God - Glory be to Him - guides His servants to righteousness and truth, and forbids them from immorality, evil, and sin. Prayer is one of the physical acts of worship; Because of the standing, bowing, prostration, and other well-known forms of prayer, in addition to the fact that it is a heartfelt worship; It is done by glorifying God - Glory be to Him, revering Him, thanking Him, praising Him, and submitting to Him. Performing prayer is an exercise for the servant to submit to God - Glory be to Him - and carry out His commands. As prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam, which the individual is commanded to perform, so that he becomes a servant of God - Glory be to Him - and not a servant of his whims and desires. Prayer is a great door to expiation of sins. Prayer is for the sake of the greatest and greatest acts of worship, and it includes the most important questions that a servant may ask his Lord - the Almighty and Majestic -, such as asking for guidance, praise, praise, and supplication.
Tips for maintaining prayer Prayer, as is the case with all other acts of worship, requires sincerity and self-effort for a Muslim to perform it and maintain it. God - Glory be to Him, the Almighty - guarantees guidance to those who strive hard to achieve it, and if a Muslim is sincere in his determination to maintain prayer, he will exert for its sake all the effort he can for himself first, for Satan second, and for evil companions third, and this point is extremely important. It is no secret to anyone that bad company has dire consequences on a person’s life and his relationship with his Lord. Therefore, a Muslim should choose his company very carefully. The companionship that helps him to obey God Almighty, to establish prayer in mosques, to close all doors to goodness, and to close the entrances to evil and corruption.

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