Ficha Cadastral
Easy registration of data to share and obtain personalized service
Easy registration of data to share and obtain personalized service
No more filling out forms and forms with your data.
Fill out 1 time and use in multiple locations.
Quickly register your basic data, share and get easy access to events, check-ins, products, services, benefits and personalized service.
Select the information you want to export and generate a file, PDF or QRCode for sharing.
• Partner applications and systems
Some of the applications and systems that use (or will use) the information provided by the user of this application:
- Customer Registration (Android)
- Client Control (Windows)
- Student Registration (Android)
- Registration of Members and Partners (Android)
- GESC - School Management (Windows)
- Auto Manager - CFC Management (Windows)
- GEC - Printing and Copier (Windows)
- SISPEDE - Orders and Deliveries (Windows)